Exclusive law firm in Indonesia where a western investigation service has merged with an Indonesian law firm, providing Legal, Due Diligence, and a full range of Investigation and Business Risk Services in Bali, Jakarta, Jogjakta, and throughout Indonesia
East combines with West. A Multi-Disciplined approach of Indonesian Legal Firm Malekat Hukum and Complete Corporate Services.
For foreigners, a Pestel Investigation into Indonesia's legal system, laws, government, religion, culture and business culture, will quickly reveal the complexity of attempting to do business in Indonesia, without local professional advice and support.
With the growth of the Indonesian economy and stark emergence of the Indonesian middle class, Indonesian business now seeks assistance with a western style approach to modern business risk management principles and systems.
The multi-disciplinary partnership between Melekat Hukum [Angel of Law] and Complete Corporate Services is the professional No-Nonsense one-stop-shop modern approach to your Legal, Investigation, Risk Management, Personal Services and Debt Collection needs throughout Indonesia, providing inter-alia the following services:
Taxation Structure & Minimisation strategy
Foreign ownership arrangements
Business Acquisition & Transfer
Lobbying all Authority levels and agencies
Agency and local person advocation, mediation and negotiation
Legal Representation - All Courts
Business Risk Services
Illegal online content removal
Uncovering Fraud and Secret Commissions
Contract Management
Banking Risks and Funds Movement
MALEKAT PRIVATE – A Deep Confidential Connection with Clients: ​
Being your trusted professionals is a lot more than a job per job approach. We offer “MALEKAT PRIVATE” business protection service inclusive of the following service:
Registration as Your Legal Practitioner in Indonesia (ensuring authorities know we are on record)
Lobbying all Authority levels & providing ongoing advice.
Contract and Deed preparation, review and amendment.
Directorship and Commissioner Position – Local Business Entity.
Business Risk Assessment & Strategy.
Investigation Assessments.
24 hour on call service
Confidential Employee Reporting Line – “Laporan 24/7”
For a no-obligation enquiry regarding our services, contact one of Professionals now.